BMJ Blog

From the Studio: Buddha in a Box

Posted on April 09, 2020 by Barbara Polinsky | 0 Comments

From the Studio: Buddha in a Box

When I received this charming, coral Buddha figurine, I knew I wanted to do something special with it and give it a little home, if you will. The result was this Buddha in a Box, a charm that’s roughly 1½ inches tall, designed to be worn on a necklace or hung on a pretty cord for display.

The box is made from oxidized silver. Behind the Buddha’s head is a gold halo. I made this by thinly rolling a piece of gold and soldering it to the silver behind the Buddha’s head. The Buddha figure is held in place by two small prongs atop each shoulder. The two beads on the top right of the box are made from cut glass. These look like little lanterns.

From the Studio: Buddha in a Box

I enjoy the way the asymmetry of the box and the organic texture of the oxidized silver and rolled gold add a touch of whimsy to this fun piece. The tiny smile on this miniature Buddha may be small, but it certainly brightens the room!

From the Studio: Buddha in a Box

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Posted in buddha, from the studio, necklace, pendant